Hoc housing path application

Rental Programs


In 2015, HOC launched Housing Path, an online wait list portal for affordable rental housing programs. Housing Path allows people to apply online and manage or update their applications at anytime. The online application walks people through a simple step-by-step process and takes about 30 minutes to complete. HOC Housing Path is currently available in two languages: English and Spanish. HOC Housing Path matches applicants to affordable housing programs based on household size, income, age and other factors. To a pply, go to www.HOCHousingPath.com .

The agency’s main vehicle for rental assistance is the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. HOC currently administers 7,144 vouchers which provide a rent subsidy to clients so they can afford safe and quality affordable housing in Montgomery County. The subsidy amount is based on a payment standard set by HOC and the client’s household information so that the client pays no more than 40% of their income on housing.

There are two main types of vouchers: Project-Based and Tenant-Based. Project-Based Vouchers are assigned to a specific building and clients must reside in the building to receive assistance. Families with Tenant-Based Vouchers can use their assistance at any home, apartment or other private market residence that meets household requirements, safety standards and rent reasonableness.

HUD sponsors the VASH program to provide housing assistance, case management and clinical services to homeless military veterans who are eligible for healthcare assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

HOC only receives VASH referrals through the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Washington, D.C. If you or someone you know is interested in the VASH program, please call (202) 745-8338 and ask about the “Homeless Outreach” programs.

HOC does not provide shelters for people in crisis. However, there are programs available in Montgomery County and the State of Maryland that offer assistance. Those programs include:

Scattered site unit rentals are coordinated through HOC’s East Deer Park office in Gaithersburg; however, participants must submit an application to HOC’s wait list to be considered. For more information, please call (240) 627-9400.
See below for information about property management changes to HOC's scattered site properties effective July 1, 2019 and current income limits.

The Rental Supplement Program (RSP) is designed to prevent an increase in homelessness while stabilizing families in affordable housing. Funded by the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) and administered by HOC, the Rental Supplement Program (RSP) provides rental assistance to low-income Montgomery County Residents whose Gross Household income (GHI) falls below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI) and are vulnerable to paying more than 30% of total income towards rent.

HOC customers participating in the Rental Supplement Program may receive a monthly rental subsidy, up to $600/month, depending on the household size and income. The subsidy is paid directly to landlords on behalf of qualified households residing in contracted properties. Household subsidies are non-transferable, and will terminate if tenants vacate their units (in which the subsidy was applied for), or if the customer is found to be ineligible

There are additional affordable housing programs which offer below-market rents and other assistance to individuals and families. Some of these programs are not managed by HOC and may have their own wait list, income requirements and application process. The programs are:

There are several developments in Montgomery County that administer their own housing assistance. Most of these properties set aside approximately 20% of their units for affordable housing. These units are not owned or managed by HOC. The housing assistance offered is connected to the unit and cannot be transferred to another property. If you’re interested in a unit, please contact the property directly and ask about the ‘In-House Section 8” program.

Current PHA Fiscal Year Plan & 5-Year Plan The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to public housing agency (PHA) policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals.

Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy The Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP) document defines the policies for the operation for the Public Housing Program of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC), incorporating Federal, State and local law. It includes Fair Housing, Reasonable Accommodation, re-certifications, unit transfers, inspections, pet policy, deposits, and more!